BodyPresencing™ Practitioner Certification Program: TBA
An Invitation to Become a BodyPresencing™ Practitioner
Becoming a BodyPresencing™ Practitioner is an invitation for you to deepen your professional practice by apprenticing with me to learn a powerful integrative model that heals the root of the matter by addressing the client’s presenting issues on three planes (past, present, and future) as well as in all four dimensions (heart, mind, body, and soul).
Who is Eligible to Become a BodyPresencing™ Practitioner
BodyPresencing™ is an ideal supplemental modality that can take your client work to the next level regardless of your specialty area. Potential Body Presencing™ Practitioners come from a broad spectrum of professional backgrounds. If you are one (or more) of the following, you are eligible to become certified in BodyPresencing™:
Certified in Donna Eden’s work
Licensed Chiropractor
Licensed Osteopathic Physician
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Cranial-Sacral Therapist
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Gyrotonics Instructor
Certified Pilates Instructor
Certified Yoga Instructor
An Innovative Combination of Modalities
Each program is designed specifically for you, the apprentice, and customized to augment your current practice. The training is a combination of the following modalities:
Family Constellation work as inspired by the work of Bert Hellinger
Core Language Work as inspired by the work of Mark Wolynn
Preverbal Development Work of Roy Mendelsohn
Healthy Brain Development (and how it is impacted by trauma)
Energy Medicine techniques and intentional prayer
A combination of other healing techniques (such as muscle testing, kinesiology, and emotional freedom technique)
BodyPresencing™ Practitioner Curriculum
This curriculum is designed to train, teach, and prepare you to facilitate the body of work called BodyPresencing™. Topics include (but are not limited to):
The impact of unresolved issues on our health, relationships, and success in life
How we carry issues genetically through epigenetics
Introduction to belief systems and their impact on us and others
Introduction to foundational Family Constellations work by Bert Hellinger
Identifying who belongs, the importance of order, and the balance of give and take
Identifying what and who takes precedence in working with others
What does it mean to be present and stay present, and how does that impact others
The power of witnessing and creating new images
Creating new images through visualization and in groups with representatives
Creating healing sentences and conversations that needed to occur but didn’t
Learning a client’s language beyond their words
What our client’s body tells us (body language, appearance, movements, etc.)
Brain development and the early impact of distress on our development
How we can break the unconscious cycles of pain and suffering by connecting
How to apply these techniques in working with your clients
In Person Workshops Include:
Plumbing our depths to see our weaknesses and blind spots as healers
Developing what I call True Sight
Working with Family Constellations to clear our issues
Body and Soul Alignment (Body Work, Chiropractic, Chakra)
Supervision with clients (mine or yours)
BodyPresencing™ Practitioner Programs
Different professionals have different training needs, experiences, and backgrounds. So, I have designed three different programs that vary in length, depth, and price structure:
The Benefits of Becoming a Certified BodyPresencing™ Practitioner
- Continuing Education Units in Family Constellation Work
- Gain tools that expand your professional development and knowledge base
- Increase your personal and professional understanding of family systems
- Learn how to develop and practice True Sight
- Learn how to identify your own and others’ hidden traumas
- Learn how to get to the root of an issue in minutes
- Develop pathways in the brain for integration
- Create new images of healing that replace old images that no longer serve
- Learn essential and often hidden dynamics impacting you and your clients
- Learn how the body is connected to the soul and invite healing instead of disease
- Learn where you may be reactive as a healer
- Learn how to intervene within your patterns
Next Steps
If you are interested in becoming a BodyPresencing™ Practitioner or would like more information about BodyPresencing™ email me directly at for a free informational session in which we can explore how BodyPresencing™ will take your professional practice to the next level.