Pre & Post Natal Services
Life in the Womb:
Have you ever wondered what life in the womb is like from your baby’s perspective? Have you wondered how your thoughts, emotions, eating habits, and feelings about pregnancy help create and shape your child’s body and soul?
In this intriguing adaptation of Family Constellation therapy, we will examine how your baby is aware of everything around them, especially your feelings as a mother. We will look at the effect of chaos and trauma on the baby and also how important the first three years after birth are to the growing child.
Nurturing the Mother:
In our world today, women tend to focus on everything but what is going on inside of us. We are buffeted by and fluctuate with the winds of family opinion, community acceptance, and workforce politics. These pre and post-natal sessions are designed to help you, as a mother, focus within, especially at a time in your life when your actions, reactions, and feelings are so influential to your unborn child. During our work together, we will explore how your family of origin, genetics, and nurturing all impact your unborn child. We will also look at your immediate family and the previous three generations.
Empowering Techniques:
In our sessions, you will learn breathing, self-talk techniques, and other exercises to help you focus internally, become aware of your thoughts, and engage all your feelings as you welcome this new being into your life and family.
We will examine the importance of the interaction between mom and dad and its impact on children. We will explore how children do everything they can to make everything okay, often at their own cost. You will also learn tools and techniques you can use on your own, as well as how to listen to your inner voice and the voices of your children (even before they have words).
Customized Pre and Post-Natal Sessions:
These sessions are customized for each woman, and services can include a mix of chiropractic, health and nutrition counseling, BodyPresencing™ techniques, Family Constellation therapy, energy work, and more. If you want to explore this further, please email me for a complimentary consultation.