Partnering with Gail

​If so, then we have a partnership in the making. Together, we can discover how you can erase negative repeating patterns and cycles, become your highest self, access your power, and express your life and love fully and completely, not just for yourself but for all of those whom you love and who love you through bodywork, astrology, family constellations, or another BodyPresencing™ service. If this sounds like the proverbial dream come true, but you’re still unsure, call me to schedule a mini-consult. After our call, if you want to work with me in-depth, please complete the entire application and email it back to me.

• Do you want to experience more passion, vitality, and well-being in life?
• Do you long to make the next twenty years even better than the last twenty years?
• Is something keeping you from pursuing the life you dreamed of living?
• Have you been exploring programs, books, and classes that might help you?
• Would you like to make changes to add joy, love, and well-being to your life?
• Have you been planning and thinking long enough that you want to take action?
• Would you like some healing company and wisdom as your journey between what was and what can be?